Wednesday, December 10, 2008


What do I know about winter after 20-plus years in Texas? Here our grass dies and the temperatures fluctuate from spring-like to shivery from day to day. Snow? Rare and short-lived. I do love summer, but perhaps if we had a BIT of real winter it might be nice. Romantic, even. I know...I think about the weather too much. What can I say?
Tonight it is soooo cold here and the wind is fierce. Oh, I just can't find a way to love winter, but I am trying to make peace with it. I really am.


vivian said...

but... at least you dont have to drive in that slippery cold white stuff everyday! It is pretty, but oh so inconvenient!

Attic Rat said...

We lost power last night due to the wind. Luckily, the house wasn't cold yet. I will probably have to turn the heater on later today. It's suppose to freeze tonight.


KeKe said...

The weather is razy this year~

I've been to your website looking at the banners for my blog, and I have to admit, I'm having a hard time picking one...I have to pick one soon though because I really need one...I's driving me crazeee!!

Xo Kelly

La Donna Welter said...

Love your blog!
Your new friend from Lollishop!
La Donna


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