Saturday, December 06, 2008

winter dream.

winter dream. , originally uploaded by Sea Dream Studio.

SO, I have recovered from being pepper spayed (previous post) and am feeling all the tougher for it! Those holligans can't faze me!
I am super busy, but am making great progress in crosssing thing off my to-do list. Still up to my neck in digi work, but I am really wanting to get my hands in some glitter!
Well, I am off to find some weeds to serve as proxy herb bundles. I am helping do the props for our church's drive-through (I want to say drive-by... probably an effect from my recent experience with thugs!) nativity.
Stay warm!


Anonymous said...

hey hun! oh thank good your feeling better from those idiots!!! I came by to ask you to join me in a party!
come check it out on my blog its a short and fun party! BIG HUGS


Cindy said...

LOVE this!



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