Sunday, December 28, 2008

twilight jewelry

twilight jewelry , originally uploaded by Sea Dream Studio.

Whew! Well, we survived Christmas! It was actually very nice.

Now, I am ready to get busy on digital orders and a few other goodies like the "Twilight" bracelet above (in my Etsy shop ). I have also listed some new "Twilight" pendants.

I hope your holiday was filled with love and joy!


vivian said...

My daughters both read the books and saw the movie, one of them twice.. I feel out of the loop, my daughter tells me I need to read the books, but I'm not a reader.. too many other things to do! but I do think I might be able to squeeze in the movie, then at least I'll know what all the hub bub is about!!
lovely bracelet by the way, something tells me my daughters would love it!

Leah C said...

My 13 year old daughter loves everything "Twilight"...she's read all the books(twice) and seen the movie! I bet your jewelry pieces will be scooped up in no time:)
Happy New Year to you & yours!
P.S. I wanted to let you know the banner you sold me is on my blog now...I just love it! Thanks again:)


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