Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"snow" day

So our ice storm did arrive, much to the glee of our local weatherfolk. They are beside themselves with pride at actually getting this one right. The temp is now 31, but the sun is beaming and I am listening to slabs of ice slide off the roof and shatter.
The kids are having a SNOW (ha!) day and my gameroom is chock-full-o-children of various ages, united by the magic of Rock Band, pop corn and marshmallow cream. Yep, I'm that sort of mom... anything goes as long as minimal blood is shed and they clean up after themselves.

And best of all, warmer temps are on the way. It will be in the 60s by the weekend!
I love Texas!
But I love the Virgin Islands more!


Tina(Taken over by her daughter, Nicole) said...

Keep that purty little mermaid tale you THE mom, at least you know what they are up to, when they are all at your house!

Charlene said...

Oh you miss the little bugers when they are gone but, the messes made are yours. :) I enjoyed your post & YES it is a cold one today! Enjoy your little ones for it seems they grow up so fast! Love the vintage photo. Where is that do you know?

Shannon (Faith and Chocolate) said...

Isn't Texas weather just GRAND!?! LOL
I've been behind on my blog visiting... missed ya sweetie! ;)


Anonymous said...

Wow love the photos brings back childhood memories when I did not mind the cold or snow! Come on over to my blog for One Heart One World Giveaway! Win some Bon Bons!

Leah C said...

I think my kids {& their friends} would like to come hang-out at your house:) Cool Mom!

Moongrl722 said...

My daughter LOVES to hang out at your house!


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