Thursday, April 17, 2008

no more dilly-dallying

GG theater, originally uploaded by Sea Dream Studio.

Ok, off the computer and on to my chores on this gloomy Thursday. I'd ratther take a nap, which I never do, but it seems like a napping sort of day.
Ah, well, I am shaking off my lethargy and getting busy! (with my CHORES!!, that is!)...


Jessi Nagy said...

i hear ya mama! i would rather craft, sleep, eat, watch old movies. we are having a cold wet dreary day here too. but alas i have housework to do. yuck.

Anonymous said...

welcome to the gloomy group! haha Its sunny here but I am stuck inside doing stuff...BLAH! well just wanted to say HEYYA!! hugs!


Michelle Frae Cummings said...

This is so pretty! I hear you on the art. I'm totally open in space and time to work on projects, but what am I doing? organizing my clip art instead!

BellaColle said...

Ahhh..chores..yuck..Hope they weren't too bad..
love your creations by the way!!
Thanks for stopping by =)

Anonymous said...

I get into "nap mode" a little too often. Sometimes the middle of the afternoon is the most peaceful time of the day. But then you start thinking about the laundry, bills, work, dishes, dogs to walk, phone calls, blah blah blah....
*sigh* oh was good while it lasted. *wink*

mendytexas said...

Love your new creation!! I am OFF today...took a "getting my head out of the classroom," day! I am crafting till I poop out! Of course I'll squeeze in those chores on the side too... Lovin' all your goodies! :)mendy


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