Friday, January 30, 2009

good news!

Back in the day...

pre Ike

Anyone who's been to Galveston in, say, the last 90 some years knows Murdoch's. Built literally on the edge of the Gulf of Mexico, it has endured many storms, but last fall Hurricane Ike was too much for this landmark. Now, there is good news! Murdoch's plans to rebuild in the same spot, but a bit higher up, though it was wind, not water that brought her down. The Murdoch's website has the official word on the rebuild and many wonderful photos of this quirky and charming gift shop/bar/historic site. If all goes well Murdoch's will reopen in 2010, just in time to celebrate her 100 year anniversary! This is news to make a mermaid smile!
post Ike

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"snow" day

So our ice storm did arrive, much to the glee of our local weatherfolk. They are beside themselves with pride at actually getting this one right. The temp is now 31, but the sun is beaming and I am listening to slabs of ice slide off the roof and shatter.
The kids are having a SNOW (ha!) day and my gameroom is chock-full-o-children of various ages, united by the magic of Rock Band, pop corn and marshmallow cream. Yep, I'm that sort of mom... anything goes as long as minimal blood is shed and they clean up after themselves.

And best of all, warmer temps are on the way. It will be in the 60s by the weekend!
I love Texas!
But I love the Virgin Islands more!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

in bleak midwinter

We've had a cold, wet, grey day here in the outskirts of Dallas. All day the temperature has hovered just above freezing. Now, as night falls the freeze begins. I would prefer a pretty blizzard with the distinctive quiet that only a blanket of snow brings.
The fire is flickering and dinner is in the oven. I have to say, it is rather cozy, but this will never be my season. I am starved for sunlight and green. Soon, soon...

Monday, January 26, 2009

meet Arthur Simo

You must check out the work of a very special artist, Arthur Simo.
Arthur is a young man who loves to express himself with his art.
He is very talented. I love the colors and the exuberance of his work.
Arthur has autism. He is blessed with a loving mother
who encourages him in his art.
You can find his work here...
and here...
and read Arthur's story in the words of his mother, Adriana, here...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

coming soon!

coming soon!, originally uploaded by Sea Dream Studio.

I made some graphics for Paper Cowgirl. I am delighted to be a teacher again this year! Now, if I can just think of something to teach...

Friday, January 23, 2009

vampire in suburbia

vampire in suburbia, originally uploaded by Sea Dream Studio.

Look what I spotted in my backyard! I tossed out some rare roast beef in an attempt to lure him inside, but no such luck! He disappeared right after I snapped this photo.
I am thinking of building a vampire trap, but I don't have any titanium or fresh blood.
My whole backyard smells like vanilla wafers...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Why you should check your kid's homework...

Dear Mrs. Jones,
I wish to clarify that I am not now, nor have I ever been, an exotic dancer. I work at Home Depot and I told my daughter how hectic it was last week before the blizzard hit. I told her we sold out every single shovel we had, and then I found one more in the back room, and that several people were fighting over who would get it. Her picture doesn't show me dancing around a pole. It's supposed to depict me selling the last snow shovel we had at Home Depot.From now on I will remember to check her homework more thoroughly before she turns it in.
Mrs. Smith

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

might as well smile...

Ah, the demise of household appliances never comes at an opportune time. But, instead of bemoaning my piece-o-crap washer's current illness, I choose to celebrate my freedom from laundry duty (until the repairman arrives).

How's that for positive thinking?
I really am a glass half full type.
Even when the glass is cracked...
and leaking...
The economic woes of our nation become more real and personal every day. And my appliances are breaking. ugh...
But, I elect to see the spots of blue in the cloudy sky, to live with a grateful heart, to duct tape my cracked glass and drink a toast to better times to come.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama swears the oath

Obama swears the oath, originally uploaded by Thoroughly Good.

History made, hope kindled on this, a day like no other!

Oh what a day!

Obama Inauguration reverse, originally uploaded by simonGman.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Cane Garden Bay on Tortola

I need a dose of this today.
I remember sitting right there in Myett's having an icy Caribe and looking at that amazing Caribbean Sea. Cane Garden Bay is a breathtaking beach. The palms sweep up to the remarkable clear sky with such magesty and the mountains rise behind them like massive emerald waves. I remember actually saying, "This is real! And I am here!"...
It is in the 80's there year-round.

Thank you, Dr. King

Martin Luther King, Jr, originally uploaded by Sea Dream Studio.

Friday, January 16, 2009


bright bird blog, originally uploaded by Sea Dream Studio.

Ah, Friday... what a lovely vision that word stirs. Even for those of us who work at home, it conjures thoughts of idle hours curled on the sofa in a soft blanket, delicious novel in hand and a nice hot cup of coffee nearby. Not that reality is much like that. I will be curled up on the sofa with my blanket and coffee, but the novel will be this laptop and I will be working away on digital orders. I am not complaining, mind you! I adore what I do and feel very lucky to have plenty of work.
Hope your weekend is cozy and calm.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


treasure hunting, originally uploaded by Sea Dream Studio.

I try to keep it light here in blogland. No burdensome posts about aches and pains, whiney stuff, personal woes. Nope! None of that!
But... this boy is my heart. W is 12 (how did THAT happen??) and my baby. He's wonderful, funny, sweet and... what's the word?... oh, yeah... special.
I am not alone in my world of acronyms... ARD, IEP, LRE and on and on. The parent of a child who receives "special services" via the public school system knows all of these and too many more. W was oxygen deprived at birth. Not a good thing. Speech, language, memory and all sorts of complex processes in the brain are not fond of doing without oxygen, not one little bit. Toss in a few seizures, just in case there wasn't enough damage done. W has had a developmental pediatrician since he was 3 days old. Talk about early intervention!
Here's the good part... W is a happy, social guy who is eager to learn, has piles of friends, is a talented young artist and posesses a very tender heart. He gets a lot of assistance in school, for which we are very grateful. If you met my boy you'd think he was younger than 12, but probably not notice anything else (except how darn cute he is!).
So, as not to bore you to death with 12 years worth of ups and downs, I will fast forward to Tuesday. ARD meeting day... a time to review previous goals, adaptations, test scores (ugh!), etc and plan for the next few months and the coming year.
The coming year... MIDDLE SCHOOL! Oh, my! W has been at his elementary school forever. He was in PPCD (an early intervention pre-school) and now he is finishing 6th grade. Oh, what a safe and loving cocoon! And soon, he'll be off to the huge middle school! He's a small guy. Will he be trampled? Lost? Stuck in the hallway fiddling with his locker??? Can I bribe the elementary school to keep him a few more years??
The meeting went well. The representative from the middle school was wonderful, reassuring. The IEP (individual education plan) looks good, thorough, thoughtful. They'll help him with his locker if need be.
Everything will be fine.
Of course.
Won't it?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Anyone who knows me at all, knows that I really hate winter. I find it bleak and depressing eventhough I live in Texas where are winters are mercifully short and mostly mild. But, we do have winter and I decided a few years ago to work on not despising it so. It seems silly to spend months moaning and pouting over something I cannot control.
So, I think I've done well. I am still cold all the time (really I am cold any time it is under 75) but my attitude is better. I have been, in fact, a bit proud of myself for nearly conquering this lifelong struggle to be at peace with old man winter. Today, however I realized that perhaps it is not so much my great personal growth and mastery of my emotions, but the fact that our "winter" has (so far) been quite sunny! We have not had the miserable, seemingly endless days of grey skies and dreary cold rain. Even on our coldest days, we've had a lot of sunshine. And we've had a nice amount of crazy warm days in the 70s and even a few in the 80s! So, I think I am not so much coping better, than I am having less to cope with. Works for me!
I am off to gaze at a beautiful, clear blue winter sky.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

crappy economy

High Style, originally uploaded by wackystuff.

I'm wondering where I can find one of these? With the U.S. economy in the dumper, I'm thinking the mortgage on this snazzy number might be just the thing. Do yo think they'd throw in the picnic set?
I have to say I really like the jaunty color scheme and how hard could it be to keep clean? For real...
So, I spent way too long at the Apple store today. My iPhone had fallen ill and had an appointment (seriously, you have to make an appointment) with one of the Apple geniuses. Yes, they are called geniuses, not technicians and honestly, they are pretty smart and undeniably hip. In fact, I felt cooler myself just being there. One begins to feel they are in some clean, bright happy AppleWorld or at least a commercial. And, if you are blessed to own some Apple stock you must be smiling in your sleep. That shiny store was bustling!!
And my own genius, Justin, hooked me up with a new, healthy iPhone. I was a little sad to see my old one (ha! 6 months) go, but it was very sick.
Cold here. What's with that??? Oh, yeah... winter... ugh...

you can fly

winged lady roses avatar, originally uploaded by Sea Dream Studio.

“Heights by great men reached and kept were not obtained by sudden flight but, while their companions slept, they were toiling upward in the night.”
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Monday, January 12, 2009

lazy day...

Nice Chair, originally uploaded by wackystuff.

Well, well... what a lazy day. I've done some laundry, a few other household duties, munched on bonbons and played with images on my laptop. sigh...
I think a need a nap.
LOL! As if!
Actually, I've been as busy as a hive!
Did all the above (except the bonbons because I'm fresh out of them!)
and some redecorating tasks that I've been meaning to do forever.
Now, if only i had a cook. I do so NOT love cooking.
It is the bane of my existance!
So, let me scamper off and get right on that!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

I've been working on digi stuff and all day with "Planet Earth" as background. I've learned a LOT about wildebeests, lemurs,bears, all sorts of bugs, elks, ducks, etc. Our planet really is chock full of amazing critters.
I myself have a 16 year old dog... now THAT is amazing! What is that in dog years???
We are beginning to suspect that he is a vampire.
Actually, I am thinking about starting to eat his food. Something is keeping him going!
He's a little bitty papillon and he still scampers around and thinks he's a puppy.
His kibble is looking pretty good to me...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

blue dreamer

blue dreamer , originally uploaded by Sea Dream Studio.

I spent this cold (yes, our warm weather is gone!) Saturday working on digital projects. I am so mesmerized by this medium! The possibilities are really limitless! I feel like a magician when I am engrossed in this wonderful creative outlet! And I am this enthusiastic after a long day of pixels.
I am smitten!

Friday, January 09, 2009

faux spring

vintage sea avatar , originally uploaded by Sea Dream Studio.

Oh, it is so WARM here! In the 70s! JOY! GLEE!! I love winter (when it is unseasonably warm!)!!
I am off to McKinney today to work at Market Street and fluff my shop space. I am trying, no GOING to be more attentive to my shop space. It is easy to let weeks go by and not check on it. It really needs a visit about once a week, to restock and tidy up.
Hope your Friday is full of creativity and smiles!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

vintage seaside avatar, originally uploaded by Sea Dream Studio.


In this silence there are crescendos and flutters,
the constancy of pulse, distant wrens, a river
flowing beyond the cedars. I hear the shuffle of doubt.
How it pushes forward in this quietness. Longing
lisps across oak floors in tattered slippers.
Fear has no sound, but a coldness
that gathers in mute corners. It is here

in this hush, wreathed in stillness
that I hear my song. The thrum of wind
on water is in my breath. Spindrift
sighs and fades in lacey scallops.
In parchment whispers wings unfurl
to slice the silken sky. Seconds murmur
in the ebb tide, my declaration; I am here.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

marie pink banner

marie pink banner, originally uploaded by Sea Dream Studio.

I have decided to make a few blog and shop banner sets. I get a lot of requests for these and have a bit of a waiting list, so for those of you who like instant gratification (and who doesn't?) these sets are ready to go. Look for them in my Etsy, Lollishop and website.

It is still dreary here, but the ice is gone. I am snuggled in with my fab new laptop, learning how to navigate the touch pad and thinking I need a little mouse for this thing. I love it so much it is ridiculous!
The keys make the sweetest little sound when you press them. Can you tell that I am infatuated??

Monday, January 05, 2009

iced palms in Dallas

iced palms in Dallas, originally uploaded by Sea Dream Studio.

What a dismal sight... my palm trees are coated in frozen rain. It is stupidly cold... enough for the rain to freeze, but no snow, which might actually be pretty.
Needless to say I have not left the house today. I am content to stay inside and keep warm and dry. Yesterday it was nearly 80 here! So wacky!!
I am plugging away on digital orders, trying to catch up so the waiting time is reasonable for my clients.
As usual, it is 85 in Tortola today...

Sunday, January 04, 2009


At long last I have a LAPTOP!! There's my daughter breaking it in for me by playing the "Wedding Planner" game. I can thank our horrid economy for driving the price down so low I could not resist! Now I can do my digi work ANYWHERE!! Yea!!

And I also got an external hard drive that is 1TB (terabyte? tyranasaurus byte?)... INSANELY HUGE! That's what it is!

Oh, I am in techie heaven!!!! I just can't help it... I'm a GADGET GAL!

Saturday, January 03, 2009

ballerina fantasyland avatar

As you can see, I am still thinking spring. Christmas is all packed away in the attic and the temps are still in the 70s here. This makes a mermaid smile.
I am working away on my digital orders and enjoying having my family home. Next week it is back to real life. I'll be lonely...


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