Actually it is winter I don't like. And here it is the end of August. The days are getting shorter and nearly everyone I know is giddy at the mere thought of autumn. Alas, I am not giddy or even slightly glad. In the autumn everything dies and it gets cold and dark and dreary. Why would I like that?
But I do like boots... There's that.
I would joyfully live where winter is but a fairytale. I dream of burning my winter clothes in a glorious pyre! Dried leaves and bare branches do not delight me. I need sunshine and salt water and long, long days.
So, there is my little rant in anticipation of the bleakness to come.
For all of you autumn/winter lovers~enjoy! You may have my portion!
Me? I am building a boat that can carry me to the West Indies...
or perhaps I'll take up curling...