This project was so easy that I feel kind of silly doing a tutorial, but I've had some requests,
so here goes. :)
First you need some "fine art"- that, like mine, was in the Goodwill pile.
What was I thinking?? Did I think my house-guests
thought this was a real Monet? How embarrassing... ;)
- Next you need this stuff... all pretty cheap and you
- might already have some of it!
- ~1~Vaseline- I got the Dollar Tree brand (which happens to smell pretty great)
- ~2~ White (or whatever color you like) wall paint. I used a sample from Lowes. (about $3)
- It can be flat, matte or satin~ your choice.
- ~3~ flat black spray paint
- ~4~ black chalkboard paint
- ~5~ Plaster of Paris (not Rome or Athens, has to be Paris).
- It's cheap... Home Depot or Lowes has it in paint section.
- ~6~ Minwax Finishing paste ~again Lowes or Home Depot
- and it will last you a looooong time.
- ~7~ paintbrush and fine sanding block or sand paper
- (Ignore the stupid bullet points to the left... I can't make them go away.. grrrr...)

I spray painted the whole frame, glass and all.
And yes, that priceless "Monet" is under that paint.
Then I took the faux-Vaseline and LIGHTLY rubbed it on the spots
I wanted the black to show through. Don't need to glop it on.
SIDE BAR~~~ You need to go here
and follow the very simple directions to add plaster of Paris to your paint.
Super easy and you will LOVE what it does to your paint!
Covers super well and gives things that vintage-y look
you want! This is my go-to paint for EVERYTHING!
Okay~ use some annoying junk mail flyers to "tape" off
the black board part. DO NOT use tape as it will pull
your paint off the glass!! Just shove the flyers in tight and you're
ready to paint with your plaster of Paris infused paint.
SO, what are you waiting for??
Paint already!
See how the paint is resisting on the greased up spots??!!! Magic!!!!
I painted 2 coats. It's up to you how much coverage you want.
Then BEFORE the white paint dried I snatched the flyer bits out.
Don't let them dry in there. You'll have a mess that will make you cuss!
Next you need to paint the chalk board part (the glass) with the chalk board paint.
I did 4 or 5 coats, letting each coat dry well. I live in Texas
and it was, oh, 106 or so that day, so the drying part was wicked fast!!
Then came the duuuullll part... I set the thing in the killer Texas sun and let it "cure"
for 2 looooong hours. You Yankees might need to let it sit longer or if (God forbid) it is winter
when you do this. The paint needs to be very dry. ~yawn~
After the drying part come the FUN part! This is the easiest sanding you'll
ever do!! Sand that puppy down and LOOKIE!!
Something looks old (.besides me!!)!!
Use a soft cloth to rub on a light coat of finishing wax.
Let it dry about 10 minutes and then buff it.
Now, genius that I am, I took the finished project pic against a WHITE WALL...
what a nincompoop!
Trust me, it looks VERY WONDERFUL!!!!
Nice and chippy and faux-vintage-y-ish!!!
So, give it a whirl! The chalky plaster of Paris paint is the bomb!
The Vaseline is the "secret ingredient"! And if you're lucky enough
to have it, the Texas sun in July makes this project ultra-quick!!
Have fun making something look shizzy-cool!!