Monday, February 20, 2012

make it good

Misery not only loves company, it loves to drag others
down into its dank pit of unhappiness. 
I don't get it. 
Ultimately, it is self-indulgent.
We all have our moments, but even in times of trial,
ATTITUDE is what matters, what we control.
I am an optimist. I CHOOSE to see the bright side.
And I CHOOSE to disassociate from negativity.
I count my blessings a lot more
than I lament what is lacking in my life.
I choose JOY~ not every single second
of my life, but mostly. 
Gratitude begets a peaceful heart.
I LOVE my crazy, beautiful life!


Tuesday, February 07, 2012

happy day...

Today my son passed his A School Comps at 
He graduates on Friday and will be a Third Class Petty Officer.
He has a lot more hard schooling ahead of him, but this
is a great accomplishment. Nuke school is generally regarded
as the most academically demanding school in the military. 
I am so proud of my sweet son. 
It is a happy day! 
And~ I am going to Charleston to see him graduate!! ♥


Thursday, February 02, 2012

love one another...

This is what I believe.


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